Burials in Singapore: Costs, Location, Details

Burials are preferred by some Singaporeans, for cultural and religious significance. The only cemetery where burials can occur in Singapore is Chua Chu Kang Cemetery.

Chua Chu Kang Cemetery

Contact Details:

-  Address:

-  Phone Number: +65 6793 7428

-  Opening Hours: Daily from 8.30am to 4.30pm, excluding 1.00pm to 2.00pm (lunch).  

Cost and Booking:

Costs only include the burial lease – tombstones and services to bury the casket into the burial plot has to be arranged by the next-of-kin.

Contact your funeral director for more information on tombstones and burial service costs. Tombstone costs are estimated to range from $4,000 to $12,000, with lawn cemetery monuments from $1,500 to $2,000.

Bookings can be made on the phone, or in person, and payment can be made via Cash Card, Credit Card, or NETS (cash is not accepted).

Parting Goodbyes is working on compiling average prices for tombstones and burial costs.


Documents Required for Booking:

-  Written confirmation of death documents

-  Manual Confirmation of Death

-  Public Hospital Printout

-  Permit to Bury (which can be obtained here)

-  Identification Papers of next-of-kin, or Letter of Authoisation if applicant is not next-of-kin


Notable Conditions:

Burial plots are only leased for a period of 15 years, thereafter the remains will be exhumed, and if permitted cremated, or if not permitted, reburied in a smaller plot of land.

Only Singaporeans and PRs can be buried, with the following exception: if the deceased is not a Singaporean or PR, their immediate next-of-kin, which only includes parents, children or spouse, has to be either a Singaporean or PR for the deceased to be buried. It would also cost more, as the table above reflects.

Burial plots will be allotted in sequential order.


Refer to the full terms and conditions here.