How Insurance Can Pay For Funeral Expenses in Singapore

Thinking about the inevitable isn't anyone's idea of a good time, but when it comes to financial planning, it's a conversation we can't afford to skip.

As someone who has navigated the complex waters of personal finance and insurance for years, I understand how critical it is to prepare for all of life's eventualities – including the costs associated with funerals.

It might surprise you to learn that funeral expenses in Singapore can quickly escalate to over S$20,000, a staggering amount that can leave unprepared families financially strained.

In this post, you'll discover:

●    The various types of insurance policies that cover funeral expenses

●    How to choose the right funeral insurance based on your needs and budget

So, if you're looking to protect your loved ones from the financial burdens of funeral costs, this guide will arm you with the essential knowledge to make an informed decision.

Benefits of Having Funeral Expense Coverage

Financial Security for Your Family

Funerals in Singapore can be costly, often ranging from S$5,000 to over S$20,000 depending on the services chosen.

By securing funeral expense coverage, you ensure that these costs are covered without burdening your family during a difficult time.

This coverage helps maintain your family’s financial stability, allowing them to focus on grieving and honouring your memory without the added stress of financial strain.

Flexibility in Funeral Arrangements

With funeral expense coverage, you or your family will have the flexibility to choose the type of funeral arrangements you prefer without being limited by cost considerations.

Whether you wish for a simple service or a more elaborate one, having a policy in place means personal preferences can be honoured.

Safeguard Against Rising Costs

Like everything else, the cost of funeral services tends to increase over time due to inflation.

Having insurance in place means you lock in the costs at today's prices, safeguarding against future increases and ensuring that your coverage adjusts with inflation.

Ease of Mind

Perhaps one of the most underrated benefits of funeral insurance is the peace of mind it brings.

Knowing that your funeral expenses will not be a burden to your loved ones can provide you with immense emotional comfort.

It's about caring for your family even when you're no longer able to do so physically.

Types of Insurance Policies That Cover Funeral Expenses

In Singapore, effective financial planning for funeral expenses can alleviate the burden on your family during a difficult time.

Two popular types of insurance that can include coverage for funeral costs are term life insurance and whole life insurance. ZEach offers distinct advantages and considerations.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is a straightforward policy that provides coverage for a specific period or "term". This could be 10, 20, or 30 years, depending on your needs.

Some important considerations in relation to funeral costs include:

●    Factor in Funeral Costs: Ensure that the coverage amount includes funds to cover funeral expenses. This helps in providing your family with immediate financial support to manage funeral costs effectively.

●    Expiry of Coverage: It's crucial to be aware that if you pass away after your term insurance has expired, there will be no payout, and your family will have to bear the funeral costs. This limitation requires careful planning regarding the term length and considering how it aligns with your long-term financial plans.

●    Cost-Effectiveness: Term life insurance is generally less expensive than other types of life insurance because it does not include a savings component and only offers coverage for a predetermined period.

Whole Life Insurance

Unlike term life, whole life insurance covers you for your entire life, offering both a death benefit and a savings component, which can accumulate cash value over time.

Some important considerations in relation to funeral costs include:

●    Incorporate Funeral Costs into Coverage: When setting up your policy, include an adequate sum to cover funeral expenses, ensuring that these costs will not financially burden your family.

●    Savings Component: The cash value in whole life insurance grows over the duration of the policy. If needed, you can borrow against this cash value or even surrender the policy early to access funds,which can be set aside for funeral costs. However, you can also keep the policy in-force so that your family can use the death benefit to pay for funeral expenses.

●    Higher Premiums: Due to the lifelong coverage and savings element, whole life insurance is more expensive than term insurance. This cost reflects the policy's ability to provide financial security and support long-term financial needs, including end-of-life expenses.

Both types of policies require careful consideration to ensure they meet your specific financial and personal goals.

For many in Singapore, factoring in funeral expenses into their life insurance coverage is a prudent strategy to secure peace of mind and protect their loved ones from future financial burdens.

How to Choose the Right Funeral Insurance

Choosing the right insurance is a significant decision that ensures your funeral expenses won't financially burden for your loved ones after you've passed.

Here's how you can select the most appropriate funeral insurance based on your needs and circumstances.

Estimate Your Funeral Costs

Start by determining the type of funeral you prefer.

Would you like a traditional burial, which might include the cost of a plot, a headstone, and a casket? Or would you prefer cremation, which can often be less expensive? Consider the services you'd want included, such as a memorial service, wake, and the type of ceremony.

The average cost of a 3-day funeral is $8,232.81, so you can use this as a baseline.

Parting Goodbyes' directories allow for easy comparison of funeral prices, highlighting key price information, and can be used to estimate funeral cost based on your wants and needs.

Account for Inflation

With the average life expectancy in Singapore reaching 81 for males and 83 for females, it's essential to plan for the long term. Considering inflation is crucial because what may seem sufficient for funeral expenses now might not cover future costs.

A practical approach is to estimate the current costs of the services you desire and apply an annual inflation rate to predict future expenses. This will help you understand how much coverage you need to maintain to ensure your funeral costs are fully covered without financial strain on your family.

Align with Your Budget

Finally, your choice of funeral insurance should align with your budget.

Insurance premiums can vary depending on the coverage amount, your age, health, and the policy's terms and conditions. When choosing a policy, consider whether the premiums are manageable within your current financial plan without compromising other financial goals or necessities.

It's advisable to compare different policies, taking into account their features, benefits, limitations, and costs. Consulting with a financial advisor can also provide insights tailored to your specific situation, helping you make an informed decision that fits your needs and ensures your final wishes are respected without imposing a financial burden on your loved ones.


We’ve looked at how term life insurance provides an affordable way to secure coverage for a specific period, though it’s crucial to remember that the coverage ends once the term expires. On the other hand, whole life insurance, with its lifelong coverage and savings component, offers a more comprehensive solution albeit at a higher cost.

We also dived into how to choose the right funeral insurance, focusing on estimating potential costs, accounting for inflation, and aligning with your budget. Planning for funeral expenses might not be the most cheerful topic, but it’s an essential part of financial planning that can provide significant peace of mind.

By considering these factors and options, you can make an informed choice that not only fits your financial strategy but also ensures your final wishes are carried out without placing an undue burden on your loved ones.

It’s all about finding the right balance that works for you and your family, ensuring that when the time comes, they can focus on what truly matters – honouring your memory and celebrating your life.

Guest Author Bio

Firdaus Syazwani is an entrepreneur and finance professional, and the founder of, a platform dedicated to simplifying personal finance and insurance.

Motivated by a personal experience that exposed the complexities of financial products, Firdaus has become a champion of transparency and informed decision-making in finance. His commitment to empowering individuals with clear, accurate financial information has established him as a trusted authority in the finance industry.

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