Directory of Christian Funeral Packages
Compare, identify and sort Christian Funeral Packages based on price, location, number of days
Price Information for Christian Funerals based on 3-Day Funeral Prices:
Lower Band: Below $5,000
Middle Band: $5,000 to $8,000
Upper Band: Above $8,000
Lowest Price: $3,688
Median: $6,090
Highest Price: $20,467
Lower Band: Below $5,000
Lowest 3-Day Package Price: $3,688
Middle Band: $5,000 to $8,000
Median 3-Day Package: $6,090
Upper Band: Above $8,000
Highest 3-Day Package Price: $20,467
Funeral prices are grouped into three reference bands—Lower, Middle, and Upper—based on available data in January 2025, though not all funeral parlours provide pricing information. Prices listed are sourced from third-party providers and are for reference only. Please verify with the funeral parlor directly. Read full disclaimer.
Most packages cater to void deck (HDB) funerals. Additional costs might apply for funeral parlor rentals, and tentage costs for private estates vary by size. Enquire with the funeral parlour directly for more details.
For more on how to use our directory, use our home page.
Most packages cater to void deck (HDB) funerals. Additional costs might apply for funeral parlor rentals, and tentage costs for private estates vary by size. Enquire with the funeral parlour directly for more details.
For more on how to use our directory, use our home page.
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