What Is the Average Cost of a Funeral in Singapore?

Benchmarks for funeral costs in Singapore are not easy to find, but here at Parting Goodbyes, we are focused on creating a transparent funeral market in Singapore. Thus, on top of our directories, we have compiled price information on all funeral packages in Singapore, and in this article, deeper analysis of these prices would be shared to give the public a better expectation of what to pay for a funeral.

Please note that firstly, price information indicated here was obtained in January 2025, and only available prices were used for this analysis. Parting Goodbyes is in the midst of reaching out to all funeral directors to encourage transparent sharing of prices.

Secondly, costs vary widely dependent on various factors such as which religious funeral (if any) is required, how many days the funerals will be, where the funeral will be held at, and whether other services are required, such as catering or chanting. Find out more about these factors in our article here. 

The average funeral cost is


As with our directories, price information would be analysed according to the different religions in Singapore, since each religion requires a different amount of rituals and traditions, thus cost is heavily dependent on the type of religious funeral chosen.

Buddhist Funeral Package Price